The basic meaning of this asana is as below:
Pashim - Meaning West
Uttana - Meaning Intense Stretch
Thus, Paschimottanasana, means intense stretch of the west
Though by just looking at the pictures, this may seem tobe an easy pose, it is infact a very difficult pose as the legs have to lie flat on the floor without bend & the trunk has to lie parallel to the legs with your head close to your heels.
People suffering from acute spinal problems, leg & knee problems, asthama must not attempt this asana without consulting your physician.
How to do Paschimottanasana?
1. Sit on the floor with your legs stretched straight in front of you.
2. Breathing out slowly bend forward, trying to touch your feet. Do not bend your knees.
3. If you feel a constriction while bending, straighten up slightly and then try and bend forward.
4. Don't push yourself too hard. You may not be able to get very far if you are a beginner. Just bend forward as far as you can go.
5. Hold on to this post for 10-20 seconds initially and gradually increase the period as you start getting a hold on this asana.
6. Exhale, while returning to normal position.
Benefits of Paschimottanasana
1. Helps to stretch back & spine.
2. Gives more strength & flexibility to spine, shoulders, legs & thigh muscles.
3. Stretches the shoulders & hamstrings.
4. This pose if very beneficial for liver, ovaries, uterus & kidneys.

5. Helps to relieve menstrual discomfort.
6. Improves digestion & constipation problems.
7. Helpful for diabetics.
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