Hypertension is not necessarily caused due to stress and strain. It is a disease like any other and needs to be managed through medication & regular exercise routine.

Hypertension generally does not have any symptoms and is difficult to detect. In severe hypertension, following symptoms may occur: Headache, Nose bleeding Blurred vision High BP is transmitted to the filtering units of the kidney and causes damage, which eventually leads to impaired filtration and chronic kidney disease.
Effective control and maintenance of BP at 120/80 is essential to prevent and slow down progression of kidney disease. However, kidney disease also causes hypertension, thus making the kidney a victim as well as a cause of hypertension. Symptoms of kidney disease: Swollen feet High blood pressure. Symptoms of advanced kidney disease Fatigue Poor appetite Difficulty in breathing Weight loss. Most patients discover about hypertension when they undergo a routine clinical examination It’s important to check BP regularly. All newly detected patients should have an assessment of kidney function which includes Blood tests for urea and serum creatinine estimation Urine tests for protein/albumin excretion. It would be helpful if laboratories in India started reporting eGFR (estimated glomerular filtration rate –calculated on the basis of age, body weight and serum creatinine).

Fact: Hypertension is not necessarily the natural consequence of stress and strain. Stress and strain are a routine part of life and may slightly aggravate pre-existing hypertension.
Hypertension is a disease like any other and needs to be controlled through medication & a very regular cardiovascular exercises & reducing hypertension.
Remember weight control plays a very important role in controlling high blood pressure. So if you are running the risk of a high weight, its important to start on a weight loss routine before its too late.
Have a healthy lifestyle for a healthy life.
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