Pregnancy Induced hypertension (PIH) can be devastating, as there is much more alteration in the maternal body than just high blood pressure. Be watchful, and keep a control, with a good & healthy routine.

There are three distinct types of high Blood Pressure, or Hypertension that can complicate pregnancy. Chronic hypertension has minimal impact on pregnancy if controlled well. Pregnancy Induced hypertension (PIH) or gestational hypertension can be devastating, as there is much more alteration in the maternal body than just high blood pressure. Combined, i.e, chronic hypertension + Gestational hypertension is the worst possibility. Following symptoms can be seen in any of these types of hypertension:
- Increase in headache
- Giddiness Visual disturbances
- Protein in the urine
- Exaggerated deep tendon reflexes
Suggestions: You must consult your doctor for modification in drugs and dosages. Bed rest with a Low salt diet. Maintaining peace of mind before delivery. Regular checkups. One of the challenges for an obstetrician is to tell the difference between chronic hypertension and PIH when a patient complains of high BP. In non-pregnant state, the BP should be under 140/90. There is a “gray zone” of what is called pre-hypertension from 120/80 to 140/90 where trouble is brewing, raising the risk of hypertension. In pregnancy, BP tends to be a little lower, anywhere from 90's / 50's to 110’s/70’s. The BP of the patient will usually behave itself, rising only slightly during the course of pregnancy unless there are major changes.

To avoid any of the above situations, it is always better to begin a healthy lifestyle even before you have conceived. And if you are pregnant already, its never to late, why not start with meditation, keep your cool, do some light yoga asanas prescribed for lowering your BP levels. Remember, a healthy mind & healthy body can be very conducive to give birth to a healthy baby. So start on with a good health routine, go through tips for a healthy pregnancy & prenatal yoga for pregnancy, read good books & keep your mind free from all the troubles; After all you are going to be a mother now.. Keep Smiling & Pass on your smiles to your baby too !
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