Yoga and Meditation have proved to be the best medication if you are expecting to be pregnant. Here are a few of the yoga asanas that would help you in the process of fertilization / getting pregnant. Stress plays an important factor in fertility. Yoga has been proven to reduce the production of stress hormones which hamper conception.
Supta Baddhakonasana or UptavistakonasanaThese help to soften the belly & pelvis areas.
Steps for Baddhakonasana:
1. Lie on your back, legs and arms straight, palms up.
2. Bend left knee and place foot on floor, then do the same with right knee and foot.
3. Lower knees away from each other toward floor, bring soles of feet together, sweep arms until they’re overhead.
4. Hold for 5 to 10 breaths.
5. Bring knees upright, sweep arms back down toward sides of the body.
SarvangasanaThis asana helps to compress the thyroid. Because the balance of hormones affects fertility as well as the regular menstruation, this asana, helps to regulate hormones in the body.
Steps for Sarvangasana:
1. Lie with back on the floor, feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart, arms along sides of the body, palms up.
2. Bend knees in toward chest.
3. Roll hips up and over until legs straighten and toes come to the floor behind the head.
4. Place hands on low back for support, fingertips face up.
5. Lift right leg toward the ceiling.
6. Lift leg toward the ceiling.
7. Press (straight) legs into each other.
8. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths.
9. Keeping legs straight, lower legs at the same time behind the head until toes touch the floor.
10. Lower hands to the floor, palms up.
11. Roll back to the floor till hips reach the floor.
12. Bend knees, place feet on floor.
HalasanaThis asana also, like Sarvangasana, helps to regulate hormones in the body.
Steps for Halasana1. Lie flat on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, legs together; arms are stretched alongside the body, palms press into the floor.
2. Bring knees in toward chest
3. Extend legs back over your head so the balls of the feet come to the floor behind you.
4. Clasp the hands together in front of you and straighten arms along the floor.
5. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths.
6. Bend the knees, placing the right knee next to the right ear and the left knee next to the left ear.
7. Release the hands and sweep them out and up, so hands rest next to the feet, palms up.
8. Hold for 3 to 5 breaths.
9. Slowly roll the shoulders and back down to the mat, til hips and feet come back to the floor in their original position
You must always exercise these asanas, by keeping your basic health in check; Incase your health practitioner has warned you not to do any exercise / asana, you must always abide by the same. We would not be responsible for any physical injury caused due to your not following your doctor's advise.