Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Yoga to Cure Low Blood Pressure

It is often said that low blood pressure is healthier for the body than high blood pressure. It may be true but only when it is marginally lower than the normal range of 120 systolic, and 80 diastolic. The symptoms of low blood pressure can be quite unpleasant. Sufferers complain of dizziness, intolerance towards heat and light, lack of energy and sometimes fainting spells. Barring the life threatening low blood pressure, which is the result of shock, loss of blood, infections, fevers and cancer that calls for emergency medical treatment this condition can be easily cured with yoga. The cause of low blood pressure first needs to be determined to treat it correctly. When diabetes, arteriosclerosis and medication from high blood pressure are the causative factors, yogic practices that counter these ailments need to be followed. And for nonspecific low blood pressure, dynamic asanas and pranayama are the most effective. Practices such as suryanamaskar, katichakrasana and trikonasana speed up the blood circulation and exercise and energize the heart, while the dynamic pranayama bhastrika increases the blood pressure almost instantaneously. That is why people suffering from high blood pressure should never attempt this pranayama


Sit in a meditative pose such vajrasana, sukhasana or padmasana with hands on the knees in chinmudra (ie touching the base of the thumb with the respective fore fingers and turning the palms out) Practice forced and rapid breathing both for inhalation and for exhalation, maintaining the ratio 1:1 The motion resembles the pumping of a bellow Repeat 20 times to make one round Practice for 3 rounds.

Courtesy: Times Wellness . com

Note: You must always exercise these asanas, by keeping your basic health in check; Incase your health practitioner has warned you not to do any exercise / asana, you must always abide by the same. We would not be responsible for any physical injury caused due to your not following your doctor's advise.

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