The basic sitting pose in yoga, specially used in meditation, is the padmasana. It is the most routinely used posture in Yoga.
Though it may look very easy to do, it is one of the most difficult asanas, as it takes time for the ligaments to extend, so as to make you feel comfortable in the lotus pose.

One may not easily become accustomed to doing Padmasana, for a long duration, but if done regularly for as long as possible, each day, you may be very easily adapted to it.
Start slowly and acquire proficiency over a period of time. This is one of the basic yoga postures.
How to do Padmasana?
1. Sit down straight with both your legs extended (open) in front of you
2. Now, Keep the right foot on your left thigh
3. Start bouncing the right knee. If the bouncing knee easily touches the floor, then bend the left knee, take hold of the left foot with both hands, gently glide it over the crossed right leg and place it on the right thigh.
4. This will give symmetrical placement of the legs and you are in lotus position.
5. The hands should be kept on the knees with palms open, and the thumb and second finger of each hand should touch forming a letter O.
Note: If it becomes difficult to attain the complete pose at one go, you may also try doing the ardha-padmasana (shown in the picture below) for the initial period & then advance ahead to the complete Lotus Pose.
Ardha Padmasana:

Benefits of Padmasana:
This is an extremely good pose for meditation and concentration.
1. It has a calming effect on the mind and the nerves.
2. This pose keeps the spine erect.
3. Helps develop a good posture
4. Helps keep the joints in flexible condition.
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