Sarvanga Asana is an asana which is said to benefit the whole body. In this asana the whole body weight rests on the shoulders and the neck and upper back regions are stretched to the limit. Beginners should practice the sarvanga asana in a moderate way, or may even use a support (wall) to rest the back / legs and gradually attempt the full posture, without support.

1. Lie straight, with your back on the floor. Palms should be on the floor close to the body and the heels and the toes should be
2. Inhale and raise both the legs slowly up in a vertical position (trying to make an angle of 90 Degree).
3. Raising of the legs should be synchronized with your breathing.
4. Exhale and again raise the legs upward from the second position.
5. Bring both palms underneath the hips and should be used to assist in raising the body upwards.
6. The hands should always work as a support to body weight.
7. Try to raise the body as straight as possible. Beginners may find it difficult to perform the full sarvanga asana. They should practice in a moderate way - i.e. raise their legs upwards only as far as they can
8. At the final stage of this asana you will be resting on your shoulders, chin touching the chest.
9. In this position the legs should be stiff hard and together and the toes is pointing towards the ceiling.
10. Do not shake. Be firm and keep breathing normally.
11. Remain in this position for about 30 seconds on the first day.
12. For returning to the first position, first fold the legs on the knees.
13. Your heels should be now on the thighs and above the buttock. Then slowly let the body return to the floor while the palms are supporting the body weight.
14. Now stretch out the legs forward and relax.
Benefits of Sarvangasa :
1. Sarvanga Asana helps to Strengthen and balance the functions of the thyroid which is also known as the master gland.
2. As a result of the reverse blood circulation due to this asana, it brings youthfulness, strength and nourishes the inner cells, tissues and all the
3. It cures impotency, frigidity, lack of sexual power and gives vitality.
4. This asana centralizes the blood supply in the spinal column and stretches the spine helping to keep it strong and elastic.