Thursday, March 26, 2009

Importance of a Good Sleep

Restful sleep is very important to relax the body & mind after a hectic day. Each of us enjoy a personal sleeping cycle. The time we spend asleep varies widely from individual to individual . The key to good quality sleep is to identify our natural sleeping pattern and then adhering to the required quota as much as possible.

In the past, sleep was often ignored by doctors and surrounded by myths, but now we are beginning to understand the importance of sleep to overall health and well-being. In fact, when people get less than 6 or 7 hours of sleep each night, their risk for developing diseases begins to increase.

Benefits of a Good Night Sleep:
Without good sleep we force our bodies and minds to work against nature. This can lead to fatigue and stress.
Following are the major benefits:
1. Keeps Your Heart Healthy
2. Helps Prevent Cancer
3. Works as a stress buster
4. Reduces inflammation
5. boosts memory
6. Reduces risk of Depression
7. Helps the Body Make necessary Repairs
8. Helps to regain lost energy
9. Revitalizes your body & mind

Improving your Sleep Habits:
Sleep habits are the key to getting a good night’s sleep. We can either train ourselves to fall asleep quickly every night, or we can train ourselves to lie awake in bed through bad habits. Exercise, caffeine, stress and other factors can influence the quantity and quality of our sleep.

Have a Good Night SLEEP to Live Longer & Healthier !

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Obesity Management

Obesity is a result of a lack of daily habitual physical activity. This is why it is a must to be involved in daily physical activities such as walks, exercises, cycling etc.

Any kind of physical activity should be an integral part of comprehensive obesity management; it should be individually tailored to the degree of obesity, age, and presence of co-morbidities in each individual.

Obese Patients should set realistic goals regarding expected exercise-induced weight loss and its benefits on cardio-metabolic risks.

Physical activity of a moderate intensity ­ 30 minutes in duration ­ performed 5 days a week for a month represents an energy deficit that might contribute to 0.5 kg of weight loss

To optimize weight loss, exercise should be increased to 60 min for 5 days a week. Obesity is usually a result of a lack of daily habitual physical activity. Therefore, activities such as walking, cycling, and stair climbing should be encouraged

Anti-obesity drugs have been developed to assist weight loss, in combination with lifestyle management to improve weight loss maintenance and to reduce obesity-related health risks.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

How to get rid of your stomach fat ?

Here are some Good and Easy Tips on How to get rid of Stomach Flab / Stomach Fat. Go ahead & Try These, definitely helpful.

## Drink water. Trade out everything that you drink with water – it is the perfect beverage to help you lose weight. There are no calories, sodium or fat in water.

## Go for a walk. You need to get up and move. You can simply go for a 45-minute walk once a day to get rid of stomach fat. Remember, you should not be able to have a conversation at the pace that you are walking. This will get your heart rate up and help you to lose weight.

## Eat smaller meals. This will help you a great deal in reducing the fat around the stomach. We suggest that you choose a smaller plate to serve yourself to help you with this step.

## Keep stress at bay. A lot of stomach fat is the direct result of stress in your life. Everyone has stress in their lives. It is how we deal with it that helps us to gain or lose weight. Make sure that you have healthy ways to deal with the stress in your life. Go for a walk or call up a friend for support. These simple alternatives will help you shed that flab.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Yoga for Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a condition in which tissues become inflamed and cause extreme pain while lifting or moving the arm in certain directions. Excessive use of a shoulder joint is thought to lead to this condition.

To avoid the pain, sufferers try not to move arms at all. This may lead to adverse consequences. When the joint is not used in the correct frequency, the Luis Costa unused ligaments and tissues can stiffen. The pain and stiffness can become chronic, making life very difficult during one’s advanced years. Antiinflammatory drugs can cause the acute phase to subside, but episodes of this condition generally recur. In some cases, the biceps actually tear and require surgical repair.

Stand straight with legs wide apart

Cross arms at the wrists in front of the body with the palms turned in

Inhaling deeply, lift arms high, stopping where the shoulder hurts Holding your breath, spread arms out and then back to the crossed wrist position Exhaling, bring arms back to starting position After a breath or two, repeat the procedure. Repeat ten times during one session. Everyday, try to raise arms a little higher than the previous day, till you can lift them fully above the head.


Stand straight Lift toes and stretch your arms above the head and look up. Maintain this posture for as long as you can

Other Exercises

Walk fingers of affected arm on the wall Stand sideways near a wall. Place palm flat on it.

Walk index, middle and ring fingers up till the shoulder hurts. Maintain the position for a little while and then walk fingers down Practice ten times each in the morning and evening.

Hasthauthanasana and tadasana are not for people with heart ailments.

Courtesy: Times Wellness . com

Note: You must always exercise these asanas, by keeping your basic health in check; Incase your health practitioner has warned you not to do any exercise / asana, you must always abide by the same. We would not be responsible for any physical injury caused due to your not following your doctor's advise.